Thursday, August 9, 2007

Spot The Differences!!!

Come to search for the differences in these 2 photos of our brother Au!!

The photos look similar right? But i took these photos in 2 different days, but his posture is about the same.

Have fun!!

RM 3.45 for one 100 Plus

Check this out!

I bought this 100 Plus from the PC fair last week, it cost me Rm 3.45.

The price tag of this 100 Plus is Rm 3.00, of course tax was not included yet.

Anyway i think it was worth. I would not walk all the way to KLCC which located at another site after squeezing myself out from the crazy crowd. Will ya?

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Robogamez 2007

I used to think that robogamez this competition is just a game for some robot freaks. So, i volunteered myself to this event and try to prove the game is really for the robot freaks. I was lucky enough because i was assigned as a judge...yeah~~!!! Envy ler? For those secretariat and personal relationship volunteers, next time register yourself to the event earlier la, muahahahha!!!

The opening ceremony for this competition is officailly launched by minister of higher education of malaysia, Dato' blah blah...... dun remember his name, just ignore him lah.

The hall where the event was took place.

And so the matches started, my judge team members (Richie and Kevin) and i did absolutely well, and I have 100% confidence to say that our judgement for the first 3 matches can be considered flawless, perfecly done, no mistake at ALL!! Why? because one of the participant who supposed to compete in the first 3 matches was absent that day. So, just gave him disqualified lor, easy job. Generally the first day of competition was still ok, because it was just open for UNITEN students only. We still can played in the gap between the gap of the matches.

First day of the event. Richie, Kevin, Phoenix and me. Thanks Lingwei for the photo!

Come, come, free kiss and hug!!! Lingwei must be stunned by my sudden disgusting movement at that time.

The second day of the event was open catogory. The aces and the beginners have the chance to compete against each others for the "AMAZING" prizes. First prize is N70, sigh .......-_-'', how sad!? For me i would rather just buy one instead get one through this competition. It was a tiring day due to continuos races and pressure from the spectators and participants. My judge team somehow managed to judge the final round of the open category, which was MMU vs KKK.

Final round for the open category. You can't really see my face, but i can tell u that my expression was serious enough.

Finally, MMU was managed to win the final round by hitting KKK's robot out from the ring.

This chair was a Dato' or Tun chair. Many VVIP such as Tun Mahathir, Governer of Penang, Minister of Higher Education of Malaysia sat on it before.

Our lovely head of judge, Ah Kwan @ Apple pie prince.

After this event, i shall conclude that robogamez is not for the robot freak, it also for the people who like to "SIOK sendiri", like me to invlove in. It was quite a fun for volunteered myself in this event, looking foward for robogamez 2008, see ya!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sister Zyniz aka Sister Hwa ponteng today

Thursday, sunny, no rain, but our sister hwa or legendary top model of UNITEN ponteng class today. No one know the reason, but somehow her absentee brought little chaos to brother yiyi, brother eddie, and sister goh as well. Usually they sit together with sister goh, according to au who now is still thinking for the name for his newly created blog.

The story begins with everyone wanted to sit with sister goh, even brother eddie post a blog about guys are fighting with each others just wanna sit beside sister goh, want to know the reason? Please kindly refer to . And so without sister hwa, there was a golden oppurtunity open widely for the invaders. Accroding to au again, a malay gained the chance to sit beside sister goh by overcame all the obstacles and enemies.

Without sister hwa, maybe yiyi, eddie, and goh were experiencing emptiness within their heart, i suppposed. So, to all the students who intended to ponteng or no, please take care the feeling of the guys or girls who sit beside you in class, try to place yourself in their situation and think about it. hahahahaha.

*no offence to ah hwa, dun take it seriously, hahahah